The average house price on MARITIME CLOSE is £216,128
The most expensive house in the street is 8 MARITIME CLOSE with an estimated value of £257,434
The cheapest house in the street is 2 MARITIME CLOSE with an estimated value of £176,255
The house which was most recently sold was 6 MARITIME CLOSE, this sold on 25 Mar 2024 for £127,000
The postcode for MARITIME CLOSE is TS24 0XQ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 MARITIME CLOSE Flats/Maisonettes , 68 m2 £176,255 £50,000 30 Mar 2001
3 MARITIME CLOSE Terraced £224,335 £137,700 27 Jun 2008
4 MARITIME CLOSE Terraced , 100 m2 £179,731 £158,000 6 Apr 2021
5 MARITIME CLOSE Terraced £206,744 £132,000 19 Oct 2007
6 MARITIME CLOSE Terraced £127,000 25 Mar 2024
7 MARITIME CLOSE Detached , 99 m2 £233,672 £55,150 24 Sep 1999
8 MARITIME CLOSE Flats/Maisonettes £257,434 £53,000 9 Jan 1998
9 MARITIME CLOSE Detached £225,334 £50,500 28 May 1999
10 MARITIME CLOSE Terraced , 100 m2 £215,809 £62,500 14 May 2001
11 MARITIME CLOSE Terraced £225,842 £145,000 23 May 2014